Welcome to Art expressing love!
About me:
About my Art:
welcome to my GALLERIES:
loving hug - reconciliation
loving hug - more paintings
unique paintings
B&B paintings
abstract lovers
the two of us
first paintings
I am happy you came across this website.
Are you looking for an exclusive gift for yourself or your partner?
Are you longing for an unique and special piece of art which will give you joy and
cause good vibes when looking at it?
Being the artist of B&B I have decided that I want to make love not only visible,
but also sensible via words and paintings.
With my art works and love poems you bring “joy” “love” and “warmth” to your
partner. - An unforgettable moment.
Experience the deep intensity of color in my paintings and relax while looking at
ruminant colors of the background as well as sensual and harmonious motives.
B&B reflects happy feelings we have for each other. Especially it shows what we
all long for most: friendship, tenderness, appreciation, joy and love...
​Feel free to browse through this site and maybe you will also start feeling as wonderful as I used to do while creating my art work. Feeling joyful, relaxed, happy... . Enjoy the many blessing moments which every day life brings to you.
​Perhaps the one or other painting reflects your own emotion or it could really be a mirror to you.
All I want you to do is: relax and feel... . Feel all the wonderful emotions arising inside your heart again. Rediscover how great it is just to be human.
Why B&B and how it all started?
Well, one day my former boyfriend asked me to paint my love for him. I really liked this thought and grabbed my pastel chalks. I closed my eyes and felt my heart. What I created made me completely speechless: it was such
an emotional painting. It was a painting expressing: love. I called it "Oneness" cause it showed two people being connected in their hearts becoming united, ONE.
Back then, I didn`t know what would follow. Over the past years, I have created a series of paintings now showing loving, appreciating, caring and joyful people. I was able to create paintings, which radiate: affection and joy.
It`s my deepest wish to be able to also touch your heart as well and make you feel more again, rather than using your mind. Remember our life can be so brilliant when we are treating each other with love, appreciation, care, respect and kindness.
B&B: More about me?
Somehow it is my life`s work. For years I`ve been studying people. Seen their facial expressions, watched their boy language, have been listening to their talk.
Have seen them laugh and cry. Seen how they can be joyful or fighting. Life is really colourful having so many people to meet.
Life is great, exciting, wonderful and thrilling, because we have the chance to encounter so many wonderful and interesting people every day. We are growing, loving and learning in case we can open up for each other. So enjoy looking at my art work!
Loving hug is a series of art work representing reconciliation. I especially paint only the good emotion which arises once two people made up again. Embracing people are the reason why I have called this series of art work: loving hug.
"Being able to forgive. Start over. Love each other. Appreciate. Meeting anew. Reconciliation makes this possible. To be close again. Being tender. Being there for each other.
Experiencing security. Feel closeness. Joy. Re-experience moments of happiness. Feeling peace. Warmth. Emotional security.
Embracing each other again and feeling, "I'm glad you exist." Being grateful for the moment, of oneness." Tanja Baj
With my series Loving Hug I want to touch you in the heart and sensitize you to how beautiful it is when you have forgiven someone or someone forgives you.
In doing so, I deliberately paint only the pleasant part of reconciliation, namely the moment when you embrace each other again and love again, or forgive and like each other again.

Tanja Baj